
Orange County California

Trust Attorneys


Remainder of Life Expectancy Explained by Orange County Estate Planning Attorney James F. Roberts

Remainder of Life Expectancy for an IRA account explained

Life expectancy for the IRS is pretty much based on an 84-year life expectancy. Which means that if my son was 40 then he would have roughly 44 years considered the remainder of life expectancy by the IRS to take that money out.

So, if I left my son $100K and that money is stretched over his lifetime at a 6% rate of return it would grow by 5 times over the remainder of life expectancy from the IRS. If you change the factor to 8% then a $100k would grow by a factor of 10 and that $100K become $1M. That is a huge benefit. So then let’s look at how we can help you plan to make sure that your family benefits from your estate planning long-term and calculate what the IRS remainder of life expectancy means for your IRA beneficiaries. Follow up with your estate planning attorney to ensure that your estate plan honors your wishes and is set up correctly. Contact us today and set up an appointment.

We offer a many different resources and pamphlets on the subject of creating, updating and implementing estate plans. We also offer a regularly scheduled seminar in our office to help people determine what the best options are for them in their estate planning needs. We hope you sign up for one of our seminars to help you find your best options. We regularly conduct free seminars designed to teach about the benefits of creating an estate plan.

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