
Orange County California

Trust Attorneys


As soon as you become married your spouse has certain rights. If you die then your current spouse has certain legal rights to your estate. However, if this is your second or subsequent, marriage then it might not be just your spouse that you need to consider. Specifically, you may want to think about updating your estate plan after a remarriage.

  • You have kids who are not the biological or adopted children of your spouse.
  • Your spouse has children who are your stepchildren.
  • You have other relatives that you want to provide for when you die.
  • You have a charity that you want to provide for when you die.
  • Whether updating your estate plan will make it easier for your spouse, children, stepchildren, and other loved ones after you die.

You might want to also think about how you can provide for your loved ones or favorite charities.

Here’s What You Can Do

You can do two things to make sure that all of your loved ones and favorite charities are taken care of when you die. First, you can be clear about what you intend to leave each person or entity. Second, you can make sure that those intentions are put into a properly executed will, trust, or other estate planning document. That way your intentions cannot be contested and everyone can inherit what you intend for them to inherit.

However, if this is your second or subsequent, marriage then it might not be just your spouse that you need to consider. Specifically, you may want to think about updating your estate plan after a remarriage.For more information about modifying your estate plan so that your stepchildren can inherit part of your estate and your other heirs are provided for fairly, please start a live chat with us today.

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