
Orange County California

Trust Attorneys


As the trustee of an Anaheim trust, one of your responsibilities may be to invest the trust assets. This is a substantial responsibility and one that can put you at risk of liability if you do not make responsible choices. While this does not mean that you have to guarantee the return on a particular investment decision, it does mean that you must make reasonable choices. If you are the trustee of a trust in Orange County, contact an experienced Anaheim trust lawyer who can help guide you through the process of making sound choices with regard to your responsibilities.

As trustee of the trust, you may be entitled to hire a financial advisor to assist with the investments. This can be a very beneficial resource. You are still ultimately responsible for ensuring that the choices made are reasonable, however.

Therefore, follow the below rules when carrying out your duty to invest trust assets in California:

  • Avoid making reckless decisions. Use reasonable caution with your investment choices.
  • Be certain that you are familiar with the terms of the trust and whether your investment choices are consistent with those guidelines.
  • Avoid investments whose risks and return objectives are not suited for purposes of this particular trust.
  • Ensure that you are diversifying the investments of the trust.
  • Pay close attention to the fees relating to investments, and be sure that they are not too high.
  • Understand the tax consequences of the investment choices that you are making.

As the trustee of an Anaheim trust, one of your responsibilities may be to invest the trust assets. Investing trust assets wisely is one of the most important jobs of a trustee. Let our office of experienced Anaheim trust attorneys guide you through this process to ensure that you are protecting yourself from potential liability and to increase the likelihood that the assets grow rather than disappear. Call us today at (714) 282-7488 for a consultation.

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